Sense Mobile Application

University Assignment

November 2017

📋 The Project Brief

This was an open brief focused on designing technologies that can make patients more active participants in their hospital in the home care. Hospital in the home is a convenient method of treatment, but there are still frustrations which can be minimised through the use of the technology that we have today.

We want to be able to empower patients at home and enable them to be as active as possible in their self care. In doing this, we want to enhance the experiences and services for both professionals and their patients.

❓ The Research Questions

  • What are the benefits of having hospital in the home treatment and why is it better than hospital care?
  • What are the problems with current hospital in the home practices and how do they make the patients feel?
  • What do hospital in the home treatments commonly involve?
  • What are the problems when it comes to carrying out these processes?
  • How are users currently trying to deal with these problems?
  • What solutions already exist that could be improved?
  • What are the users needs, goals, motivations and frustrations?
  • What are the system requirements and constraints?
  • What user groups are we targeting?
  • What could be stopping patients from properly following the instructions that they are given?
  • What are the characteristics, treatment factors and patient-provider issues that could lead to unintentional nonadherence?

✏️ The Process

The research for this project involved:

  • Conducting background research through academic literature.
  • Identifying user's needs, goals, motivations and frustrations.
  • Creating an affiniy diagram to find users need help available all of the time, better assistance with medicine intake, better knowledge about their medicine and easy to use technology that helps remind them when to take their medication
  • Listing system requirements and constraints.
  • Creating user personas and a profile summary table.
  • Coming up with initial physical and application-based concepts, and creating storyboards and persona-based walthroughs for these concepts.

✅ The Solution

A mobile application that helps users to remember when to take their medications and it also helps them to understand more about their medications. This concept combines a couple of initial application ideas into one tool that can help users with all of their major problems.

It would have the following functionality:

  • The ability for the doctor to set a medication plan.
  • The ability for the user to view their medication plan.
  • The ability for users to automatically be notified whenever they have to take their medication.
  • The ability for users to scan medication barcodes and get a larger, clearer, uniformed explanation on the drugs that they contain.
  • The ability for users to search for medications to get more information about them.

This would help users who have difficulty in remembering their medications, and users who have difficulty in reading or understanding their medications (covering all personas).

📱 App Features

Scanning Medication Barcodes To Find Out More About A Medication

Searching For Medications To Find Out More About Them

Viewing Medication Plans And Checking Tasks Off Once Completed

Saving Medications To Make Their Descriptions More Accessible

Having A Live Chat With Someone To Get Quick Answers About Their Medication When The GP Isn’t Available

Sharing Results With The Doctor Directly From The Application

📖 Photo Narrative Storyboard

  • The doctor sets the program for the patient, defining the medications that they will need to take and when they will need to take them.

  • The user receives a notification whenever they need to take their medication, based on the doctor’s plan or their last dosage.

  • The user goes to take the medication, but has difficulty in reading and understanding the instructions on them.

  • They pick up their tablet with the application loaded on it, and use the camera to scan the barcode on their box of medication.

  • The application gives them a simple description of the medication, in a large font so that they are easily able to read and understand it.

  • The user can then take their medication more confidently.